Review: Paul Hannaby Demo – Sunday 20th March 2023
Paul Hannaby’s demonstration focussed on decorating turnings with cast pewter. Paul showed us how to create a bowl with a pewter rim and a small box with pewter inserts in...

Review: John Morgan Demo – Sunday 15th January 2023
Download: Gold Leaf Application John started his demonstration with a number of short projects that could be attempted by less experienced turners. During the first part of the demo, John...

Review: Hands-On Meeting Sunday 20th November 2022
The November Hands-On meeting was well attended with plenty of activity at both lathes. John gave a demonstration of basic techniques aimed at our newer members. Unfortunately, I didn’t get...

Review: Neil Turner Demo – Sunday 16th October 2022
We enjoyed a full day’s demonstration by Neil Turner accompanied by Jason Breach who kindly helped out. Neil is known for fire forms and turned pieces with embellishments inspired by...

Review: Emma Cook (“The Tiny Turner”) Demo – Sunday 18th September 2022
We enjoyed a full day with Emma Cook who demonstrated a small decorated bowl, a resin pendant, an illuminated snowman, and a resin sphere. Small Bowl with Carved and Decorated...