Review: Colwin Way Demo – Sunday 16th April 2023

We were delighted to host Colwin Way as our demonstrator and we had an excellent attendance by both members and visitors. Colwin demonstrated a range of tool technique and work holding methods useful for both beginners and the more experienced. The techniques were shown through a range of small projects.
Table Leg
Colwin used a table leg to show us how to use the skew and spindle gouge to create beads and troughs. Colwin discussed bevel angles on skews with a 25 degree bevel being Colwin’s preference.

Lace Bobbin
Colwin show us some delicate spindle work using smaller versions of the skew and spindle gouge. The blank used was ¼” square and 4” long, and was held in a chuck using pin jaws.

Toffee Dish

Offset ornament
The blank is turned round and reverse turned in home made plywood jaws.

The offset hole in the ornament was made by holding the piece in homemade offset chuck jaws. These were made from a blank with three concentric off-centre holes created using a pillar drill and then cut in four.

Bowl from Wet Wood
Colwin also demonstrated turning a bowl from wet wood.

Colwin showed us how to get the best shape for apples and pears, and gave us some ideas for holding the piece in order to turn the ends.