Review: Chris Parker Demo – Sunday 20th March 2022
Chris Parker demonstrated a range of wood texturing and colouring techniques.

The demonstration was a bit different to our usual ones, as it focussed on texturing and colouring techniques rather than on producing a finished item.
- Texturing with Saburrtooth cutters and rotary carbide cutters.

- A rusting finish using patination products from Pete’s Design.

- Marbling effects using Montana marble spray paints. And, no, the spray doesn’t paint black and white: you need an undercoat of black.

- Finishing with air sprayed Chestnut wood stains and Chestnut Rainbow waxes.
- Texturing using the Sorby texturing and spiralling tools. The Club Library has these tools available for members to try. Chris made so many examples, I forgot to photograph them!
- Chris even showed off his fancy EasyTools carbide hollowing tools! We had to mop the floor afterwards from all the drooling.

- Chris also introduced us to the Manpa mini carving bit which I don’t think any of us had seen before.
- See the April 2022 Newsletter for more pictures and details.