Club Meeting Information

Club meetings usually take place on the third Sunday of the month (no meeting in December) at Carno Community Centre. Refer to our Club Meetings Calendar. Non-members are welcome, see below for Admission charges.

We hold two types of meeting: Demonstration and Hands-On (see below). Most of our meetings are a full-day starting with tea and coffee at 10.00 a.m. and ending at 4.30 p.m. (see Refreshments and Lunch). Members are encouraged to arrive early to help with setting up equipment.

Note that we occasionally have a half-day afternoon meeting so it is advisable check the Club Meetings Calendar. Additional information about the club can be found on our Facebook page.

At every meeting we have a display table for members turned work, and there is a raffle of various prizes donated by club members. There is always plenty of time during breaks in the meetings for informal discussion of woodturning and related matters. The club’s extensive woodturning library of DVDs, books and specialist tools is also available to members at the meetings.


All meetings take place at Carno Community Centre, Carno SY17 5LH. There is plenty of free parking. The meeting hall is accessible for wheelchair users and has an hearing aid loop system. The hall has a stage at one end, where the lathe is located for demonstrations, and plenty of seating is available.

Carno Community Centre

Admission Charges for 2025

The admission charge contributes to the cost of the demonstrator, the venue and refreshments. Payment is by cash at the door.

Club Members: £11 (£17 for a family pair).

AWGB member visitor: £16, includes club membership for the calendar year. Membership card must be shown.

First time visitor: £11, after that membership is required.

Club Membership fees:

Fees comprise of:

Club Membership: £5 per calendar year.

AWGB Membership: £24 for a full calendar year. There are reduced rates depending on when you join.

Family rates and junior rates are also available.

Refreshments and Lunch

Tea, coffee and biscuits are available free during the breaks at every meeting, but you will need to bring your own lunch or purchase something from the local Spar (limited selection).

Demonstration Meetings

The club has invested in quality AV equipment giving close ups of every demonstration relayed to flat screen TVs at either side of the stage so that everyone in the hall gets a really good view of what is going on. A radio microphone and loudspeaker system, along with a hearing aid loop, ensure that everyone can hear what the demonstrator is saying.

Hands-on Meetings

We usually have a number of “Hands-On” days or half-days every year. There is no formal demonstration at these meetings, but a number of lathes are available where club members can demonstrate techniques and try new tools. Novices to woodturning can have a go themselves at these meetings under the supervision of experienced club members.

Other Events

Occasionally, the club also attends local events such as village shows, craft fairs and vintage rallies. At these events some of our more experienced club members demonstrate woodturning and the club usually has a table of members work for sale.