
Review: Richard Findley Demo – Sunday 15th May 2022

Richard gave a very well prepared demonstration with clear explanations of tool choice and tool use. There were plenty of tips along the way to help with our turning.

Richard presented two projects: a table lamp and a lidded box with finial.


Table Lamp
Table lamp
  • The base is face turned like a bowl and the column/stem is turned as a spindle. The shape of the lamp follows one of the models in the book Classic Forms by Stuart E Dyas which is available in the Club Library.
  • Richard showed us how to turn the stem following a storyboard/template which is useful, if not essential, for turning matched pairs.
  • Also, Richard described a number of techniques for boring the hole for the electrical cable.
The hole boring was not boring!
  • The rounded spindle is marked out in pencil using the template to indicate where the key features (bead, coves etc.) of the shape begin and end.
  • Then the regions between the pencil marks are cut to (near) depth using a beading and parting tool and the help of a Vernier gauge.
The spindle is marked out and the key depths are cut
  • Then the bead and coves are cut to the desired shape. Richard showed us a variety of ways to turn these using a spindle gouge, beading and parting tool or skew.
The turned stem matches the template!
Face Turned Box with Lid and Finial
Lidded box with finial
  • Richard used a novel jam chuck technique for reverse turning away the tenon on the box base.
  • We were showed how to create an inner drop finial as well as the usual outer finial.